GA/T 1696-2019.Forensic sciences-Specifications for classification of blemished paper appearance. 1范...
GA/T 1690.5-2019 法庭科学印章印文检验第5部分:拼接比对法
GA/T 1690.5-2019.Forensic sciences-Examination methods for seal stamps-Part 5: Splicing and comparis...
GA/T 1690.4-2019 法庭科学印章印文检验第4部分:测量比较法
GA/T 1690.4-2019.Forensic sciences-Examination methods for seal stamps-Part 4: Measurement and compa...
GA/T 1690.3-2019 法庭科学印章印文检验第3部分:细节特征比对法
GA/T 1690.3-2019.Forensic sciences-Examination methods for seal stamps-Part 3 :Characteristics marki...
GA/T 1688-2020 全国公安监所网上检查督导系统维护规范
GA/T 1688-2020.Specificat ions for ma intenance of inspect ion and monitor ing systems for police su...
GA/T 1687-2019 法庭科学文件检验标准体系表
GA/T 1687-2019.Diagram of standard system for questioned documents for Forensic sciences. 1范围 GA/T 1...
GA/T 1686-2019 法庭科学现场伐根测量方法
GA/T 1686-2019.Forensic sciences-Methods for stump measurement in crime scene. 1范围 GA/T 1686规定了法庭科学领...
GA/T 1685-2019 法庭科学炸药爆炸冲击波超压测定方法
GA/T 1685-2019.Forensic sciences-Determination methods for shock wave overpressure. 1范围 GA/T 1685规定了...
GA/T 1683-2019 法庭科学枪械种类识别检验技术规范
GA/T 1683-2019.Forensic sciences-Technical specifications for identification and examination of fire...
GA/T 1682-2019 法庭科学凹陷痕迹样本制作技术规范
GA/T 1682-2019.Forensic sciences-Technical specifications for making impressed mark samples. 1范围 GA/...