GA/T 1160-2014.DNA extraction from drug plants-Silica method. 1范围 GA/T 1160规定了在法庭科学鉴定中采用二氧化硅法从毒品原植物(...
GA/T 1158-2014 激光对射入侵探测器技术要求
GA/T 1158-2014.Technical requirements for thru-beam laser intrusion detectors. 1范围 GA/T 1158规定了人侵报警系...
GA/T 1156-2014 涉爆现场处置规范
GA/T 1156-2014.Specifications for disposal of explosives and explosion scene. 1范围 GA/T 1156规定了涉爆现场的处...
GA/T 1155-2014 安检排爆名词术语
GA/T 1155-2014.Terminology for security check and explosive device disposal. 1范围 GA/T 1155规定了安检与排爆工作...
GA/T 1154.5-2016 视频图像分析仪第5部分:视频图像增强与复原技术要求
GA/T 1154.5-2016.Video analysis instrument-Part 5 :Technical requirements for video and image enhanc...
GA/T 1150-2014 消防搜救犬队建设标准
GA/T 1150-2014.Standard for construction of facilities for fire search and rescue dogs. 1范围 GA/T 115...
GA/T 1136-2014 公共安全行业标准体系表编制规则
GA/T 1136-2014.Rules of coding for standard system diagrams in public security industry. 1范围 GA/T 11...
GA/T 1135-2014 机动车号牌管理信息系统技术规范
GA/T 1135-2014.Technical specifications for motor vehicle license plate management information syste...
GA/T 1134-2014 机动车和驾驶证件电子影像档案技术规范
GA/T 1134-2014.Technical specifications for filing electronic images of motor vehicle and driving li...
GA/T 1132-2014 车辆出入口电动栏杆机技术要求
GA/T 1132-2014.Technical requirements for electrical barriers used in vehicle access. 1范围 GA/T 1132规...