GA/T 1287-2016.Specifications for the supervision of the motor vehicle license plate manufacture. 1范...
GA/T 1276-2015 道路交通事故被困人员解救行动指南
GA/T 1276-2015.Guidelines for extricating trapped persons in road traffic accidents. 1范围 GA/T 1276规定...
GA/T 1266-2015 公安物联网术语
GA/T 1266-2015.Terminology for internet of things of public security. 1范围 GA/T 1266规定了公安物联网常用术语。 GA/...
GA/T 1263-2015 道路交通安全宣传教育基地建设指南
GA/T 1263-2015.Guidelines for the construction of the road traffic safety publicity and education ba...
GA/T 1262-2015 道路交通事故现场车辆闯入报警设备
GA/T 1262-2015.Warning device of vehicles intruding into the road traffic accident scene. 1范围 GA/T 1...
GA/T 1256-2015 发光式道路交通指挥棒
GA/T 1256-2015.Luminous road traffic batons. 1范围 GA/T 1256规定了发光式道路交通指挥棒的术语和定义、命名、技术要求、试验方法、检验规则、包装、运...
GA/T 1250-2015 消防产品分类及型号编制导则
GA/T 1250-2015.Directives for classification and type arranging of fire products. 1范围 GA/T 1250规定了消防...
GA/T 1249-2015 火灾现场照相规则
GA/T 1249-2015.Rules for photography of fire scene. 1范围 GA/T 1249规定了火灾现场照相的术语和定义、照相器材、基本要求、拍照程序、拍照内容...
GA/T 1248-2015 道路交通拥堵经济损失评估指南
GA/T 1248-2015.Guidelines for ecocomic loss evaluation of road traffic congestion. 1范围 GA/T 1248规定了道...
GA/T 1244-2015 人行横道道路交通安全违法行为监测记录系统通用技术条件
GA/T 1244-2015.General specifications for intelligent monitoring systems of pedestrian crosswalk. 1范...