GA/T 974.11-2011.Codes for the fire information-Part 11:Category codes for fire equipment maintenanc...
GA/T 974.9-2011 消防信息代码第9部分:灭火救援相关部门类别代码
GA/T 974.9-2011.Codes for the fire information-Part 9:Category codes for concerned units in fire res...
GA/T 974.7-2011 消防信息代码第7部分:消防队体制分类与代码
GA/T 974.7-2011.Codes for the fire information-Part 7:Classification and codes for fire brigade syst...
GA/T 939-2012 安防指静脉识别应用系统算法评测方法
GA/T 939-2012.Test methods for finger vein recognition algorithm in security systems. 1范围 GA/T 939规定...
GA/T 938-2012 安防指静脉识别应用系统设备通用技术要求
GA/T 938-2012.General technical requirements for finger vein recognition devices in security systems...
GA/T 936-2011 法庭科学平面灰尘痕迹铁氰化钾增强法
GA/T 936-2011.Method for developing dust footprint by potassium ferricyanide of forensic. 1范围 GA/T 9...
GA/T 924.1-2011 拘留所管理信息基本数据项.第1部分:被拘留人信息基本数据项
GA/T 924.1-2011.Basic data items of detention centers-Part 1:Detainees' data items. 1范围 GA/T 924.1规定...
GA/T 901-2010 机动车驾驶人场地驾驶技能考试场地和考试系统使用验收与定期检查规范
GA/T 901-2010.Specifications of acceptance prior to use and periodic inspection for vehicle driver' ...
GA/T 894.7-2012 安防指纹识别应用系统第7部分:指纹采集设备
GA/T 894.7-2012.Fingerprint recognition application system for security and protection-Part 7 :Finge...
GA/T 855-2009 公安信息网络课件制作规范
GA/T 855-2009.Specification of network courseware for public security institution. 1范围 GA/T 855规定了在公...