GA/T 974.18-2011.Codes for the fire information-Part 18 :Classification and codes for items of getti...
GA/T 974.15-2011 消防信息代码第15部分:消防监督管辖权级别代码
GA/T 974.15-2011.Codes for the fire information-Part 15:Codes for fire supervision jurisdictions. 1范...
GA/T 974.5-2011 消防信息代码第5部分:消防志愿者服务类别代码
GA/T 974.5-2011.Codes for the fire information-Part 5:Category codes for the service of fire volunte...
GA/T 974.4-2011 消防信息代码第4部分:消防监督管理角色代码
GA/T 974.4-2011.Codes for the fire information-Part 4:Codes for fire supervision and management role...
GA/T 974.2-2011 消防信息代码第2部分:消防部队执勤战斗岗位代码
GA/T 974.2-2011.Codes for the fire information-Part 2:Codes for combat duty post of fire forces. 1范围...
GA/T 973-2011 搜救犬品种代码
GA/T 973-2011.Code for breed of rescue dog. 1范围 GA/T 973规定了公安机关在执行物品侦检、人员搜救等任务时常用的搜救犬品种代码。 GA/T 973适...
GA/T 966-2011 物证的封装要求
GA/T 966-2011.Packing and sealing requirement for material evidence. 1范围 GA/T 966规定了法庭科学领域物证封装的术语和定义...
GA/T 947.4-2015 单警执法视音频记录系统第4部分:数据接口
GA/T 947.4-2015.Video/audio recording systems for the individual enforcing policeman-Part 4: Data in...
GA/T 947.2-2015 单警执法视音频记录系统第2部分:执法记录仪
GA/T 947.2-2015.Video/ audio recording systems for the indiv idual enforcing policeman-Part 2: Porta...
GA/T 924.2-2011 拘留所管理信息基本数据项第2部分:拘留所信息基本数据项
GA/T 924.2-2011.Basic data items of detention centers-Part 2 :Data items of detention centers. 1范围 G...