GA/T 1008.3-2013.GC and GC-MS examination methods for drugs-Part 3:Three components in cannabis. 1范围...
GA/T 1008.1-2013 常见毒品的气相色谱、气相色谱-质谱检验方法第1部分:鸦片中五种成分
GA/T 1008.1-2013.GC and GC-MS examination methods for drugs-Part 1: Five components in opium. 1范围 GA...
GA/T 1000-2011 公安信息化数据质量管理规范
GA/T 1000-2011.Requirements of information data quality management public security. 1范围 GA/T 1000规定了...
GA/T 981-2012 移动式儿童道路交通安全情景教育装备配置
GA/T 981-2012.Configuration of the movable equipment for children's road traffic safety situation ed...
GA/T 974.92-2015 消防信息代码第92部分:火险气象等级代码
GA/T 974.92-2015.Curles for the fire iaformation-Part 92:Codes for fire-danger weather ratings. 1范围 ...
GA/T 974.81-2015 消防信息代码第81部分:装备事故原因类别代码
GA/T 974.81-2015.Codes for the fire information-Part 81:Category codes for fire equipment accident c...
GA/T 974.77-2015 消防信息代码第77部分:验货方法类型代码
GA/T 974.77-2015.Codes for the fire information-Purt 77:Type codes for good-exanine means. 1范围 GA/T ...
GA/T 974.75-2015 消防信息代码第75部分:消防装备状态类别代码
GA/T 974.75-2015.Codes for the fire information-Part 75: Category codes for fire equipment state. 1范...
GA/T 974.74-2015 消防信息代码第74部分:消防装备器材分类与代码
GA/T 974.74-2015.Codes for the fire information-Part 74:Classification aad codes for fire equipment....
GA/T 974.70-2011 消防信息代码第70部分:建筑物结构类型代码
GA/T 974.70-2011.Codes for the fire information-Part 70 :Type codes for building structures. 1范围 GA/...