DZ/T 0206-2020.Specifications for kaolin, pyrophyllite, refractory-clay minera! exploration. 1范围 DZ/...
DZ/T 0275.1-2015 岩矿鉴定技术规范 第1部分:总则及一般规定
DZ/T 0275.1-2015.Specification identification of rock and mineral-Part 1: General rules and regulati...
DZ/T 0275.2-2015 岩矿鉴定技术规范 第2部分:岩石薄片制样
DZ/T 0275.2-2015.Specification identification of rock and mineral-Part 2:Rock thin section preparati...
DZ/T 0275.3-2015 岩矿鉴定技术规范 第3部分:矿石光片制样
DZ/T 0275.3-2015.Specification identification of rock and mineral-Part 3:Ore polished section prepar...
DZ/T 0275.5-2015 岩矿鉴定技术规范 第5部分:矿石光片鉴定
DZ/T 0275.5-2015.Specification identification of rock and mineral-Part 5: Polished section identific...
DZ/T 0203-2020 矿产地质勘查规范 稀有金属类
DZ/T 0203-2020.Specifications for rare metal mineral exploration. 1范围 DZ/T 0203规定了锂(Li)、铷( Rb)、铯(Cs)...
DZ/T 0204-2002 稀土矿产地质勘查规范
DZ/T 0204-2002.Specifications for rare earth mineral exploration. 1范围 DZ/T 0204为稀土矿产地质勘查工作规定了勘查的目的任务...
DZ/T 0204-2016 井中激发极化法技术规程
DZ/T 0204-2016.Technical regulation for borehole induced polarization method. 1范围 DZ/T 0204规定了井中时间域激...
DZ/T 0205-2002 岩金矿地质勘查规范
DZ/T 0205-2002.Specifications for hard-rock gold exploration. 1范围 DZ/T 0205规定了岩金矿地质勘查的目的任务、研究程度、质量要求...
DZ/T 0205-2020 矿产地质勘查规范岩金矿
DZ/T 0205-2020.Specifications for hard-rock gold exploration. 1范围 DZ/T 0205规定了岩金矿地质勘查的目的及勘查阶段、研究程度、控...