DZ/T 0213-2020.Specifications for limestone and cement - ingredients minera! exploration.? 1范围 DZ/T ...
DZ/T 0211-2020 矿产地质勘查规范 重晶石、毒重石、萤石、硼
DZ/T 0211-2020.Specifications for barite , witherite , fluorite and boron mineral exploration. 1范围 D...
DZ/T 0210-2020 矿产地质勘查规范 硫铁矿
DZ/T 0210-2020.Specifications for iron sulfides mineral exploration. 1范围 DZ/T 0210规定了硫铁矿(系黄铁矿、白铁矿、磁黄...
DZ/T 0209-2020 矿产地质勘查规范 磷
DZ/T 0209-2020.Specifications for phosphor mineral exploration. 1范围 DZ/T 0209规定了磷矿地质勘查的勘查目的及勘查阶段、勘查工...
DZ/T 0209-2002 磷矿地质勘查规范
DZ/T 0209-2002.Specifications for phosphorous mineral exploration. 1范围 DZ/T 0209规定了磷矿(磷块岩、磷灰岩、磷灰石)地质...
DZ/T 0276.21-2015 岩石物理力学性质试验规程 第21部分:岩石抗拉强度试验
DZ/T 0276.21-2015.Regulation for testing the physical and mechanical properties of rock-Part 21:Test...
DZ/T 0276.20-2015 岩石物理力学性质试验规程 第20部分:岩石三轴压缩强度试验
DZ/T 0276.20-2015.Regulation for testing the physical and mechanical properties of rock-Part 20:Test...
DZ/T 0276.19-2015 岩石物理力学性质试验规程 第19部分:岩石单轴压缩变形试验
DZ/T 0276.19-2015.Regulation for testing the physical and mechanical properties of rock-Part 19:Test...
DZ/T 0276.18-2015 岩石物理力学性质试验规程 第18部分:岩石单轴抗压强度试验
DZ/T 0276.18-2015.Regulation for testing the physical and mechanical properties of rock-Part 18:Test...
DZ/T 0276.17-2015 岩石物理力学性质试验规程 第17部分:岩石放射性比活度试验
DZ/T 0276.17-2015.Regulation for testing the physical and mechanical properties of rock-Pert 17:Test...