DL/Z 870-2004.Guide of spot checking and regularly repairing for thermal power plant equipments. 1范圈...
DL/Z 634.56-2004 远动设备及系统第5-6部分: IEC 60870-5 规约系列测试规则
DL/Z 634.56-2004.Telecontrol equipment and systems Part5- 6: Test procedures for IEC 60870- 5 protoc...
DL/Z 634.15-2005 远动设备及系统 第1-5部分:总则 带扰码的调制解调器传输过程对使用 IEC 60870-5规约的传输系统的数据完整性的影响
DL/Z 634.15-2005.Telecontrol equipment and systems Part 1一- 5: General considerations-Influence of m...
DL/Z 634.14 远动设备及系统 第1-4部分:总则 远动数据传输的基本方面及 IEC 60870-5与IEC 60870-6标准的结构
DL/Z 634.14.Telecontrol equipment and systems -Part 1-4: General considerations-Section 4: Basic asp...
DL/Z 634.11-2005 远动设备及系统第1-1部分:总则基本原则
DL/Z 634.11-2005.Telecontrol equipment and systems Part 1- 1: General considerations General princip...
DL/Z 398-2010 电力行业信息化标准体系
DL/Z 398-2010.The system of electric power professional information standards. 1范围 DL/Z 398性技术文件给出了电...
DL/T 1532-2016 接地网腐蚀诊断技术导则
DL/T 1532-2016.Technical guide for corrosion diagnosis of grounding grid. 1范围 DL/T 1532规定了接地网腐蚀诊断的一般...
DL/Z 249-2012 变压器油中溶解气体在线监测装置选用导则
DL/Z 249-2012.Guidelines for selecting on-line monitor of gases dissolved in transformer oil. 1范围 DL...
DL/T 1534-2016 油浸式电力变压器局部放电的特高频检测方法
DL/T 1534-2016.Methods of UHF partial discharge detection in oil-immersed power transformers. 1范围 DL...
DL/T 1533-2016 电力系统雷区分布图绘制方法
DL/T 1533-2016.Drawing method of lightning zones map for power system. 1范围. DL/T 1533规定了电力系统雷区分级标准和雷...