DL/T 1752-2017.Calculating method of energy efficiency designing index for combined heat and power g...
DL/T 1749-2017 燃气-蒸汽联合循环机组余热锅炉监造导则
DL/T 1749-2017.Supervision guide heat recovery steam generator for gas-steam combined cycle unit. 1范...
DL/T 1745-2017 低压电能计量箱技术条件
DL/T 1745-2017.Technical conditions for low-voltage electric metering cabinet. 1范围 DL/T 1745规定了额定电压为...
DL/T 1741-2017 电力作业用小型施工机具预防性试验规程
DL/T 1741-2017.Preventive test code of small construction machines and tools for electrical engineer...
DL/T 1740-2017 直流气体绝缘金属封闭输电线路技术条件
DL/T 1740-2017.Specification for DC gas-insulated metal-enclosed transmission line. 1范围 DL/T 1740规定了...
DL/T 1732-2017 电力物联网传感器信息模型规范
DL/T 1732-2017.Specification for sensors information model of power internet of things. 1范围 DL/T 173...
DL/T 1722-2017 架空输电线路机器人巡检技术导则
DL/T 1722-2017.Technical guide of robot inspection for overhead transmission line. 1范围 DL/T 1722规定了采...
DL/T 1715-2017 铝及铝合金制电力设备对接接头超声检测方法与质量分级
DL/T 1715-2017.Ultrasonic testing and classification methods of aluminum and aluminum alloy butt wel...
DL/T 1711-2017 电网短期和超短期负荷预测技术规范
DL/T 1711-2017.Technical specification for short term and ultra-short term load forecasting in power...
DL/T 1700-2017 隔离开关及接地开关状态检修导则
DL/T 1700-2017.Guide for condition based maintenance strategy of disconnector and earthing switch. 1...