DL/T 1790-2017.General technical conditions of supply apparatus for partial discharge measuring of p...
DL/T 1784-2017 多雷区110kV ~ 500kV交流同塔多回输电线路防雷技术导则
DL/T 1784-2017.Technical guide for lightning protection of 110kV ~ 500kV AC multi-circuit transmissi...
DL/T 1779-2017 高压电气设备电晕放电检测用紫外成像仪技术条件
DL/T 1779-2017.Specification of ultraviolet imager for corona discharge detection in high voltage el...
DL/T 1773-2017 电力系统电压和无功电力技术导则
DL/T 1773-2017.Technical guide for electric power system voltage and reactive compensation. 1范围 DL/T...
DL/T 1768-2017 旋转电机预防性试验规程
DL/T 1768-2017.Preventive test code for rotating electrical machines. 1范围 DL/T 1768规定了旋转电机设备预防性试验的项目...
DL/T 1757-2017 电子数据恢复和销毁技术要求
DL/T 1757-2017.Technical requirements for recovery and destruction of electronical data. 1范围 DL/T 17...
DL/T 1748-2017 水力发电厂设备防结露技术规范
DL/T 1748-2017.Specification for anti-condensation of hydropower plant equipments. 1范围 DL/T 1748规定了水...
DL/T 1747-2017 电力营销现场移动作业终端技术规范
DL/T 1747-2017.Technical specifications of mobile work terminal on the power marketing field. 1范围 DL...
DL/T 1743-2017 带电作业用绝缘导线剥皮器
DL/T 1743-2017.The insulated-wire stripper for live working. 1范围 DL/T 1743规定了用于交流10kV~35kV电力系统的带电作业用...
DL/T 5791-2019 火力发电建设工程机组热控调试导则
DL/T 5791-2019.Guide of I&C commissioning for fossil power construction project. 1总则 1.0.1为规范和统一...