DL/T 5560-2019.Code for engineering design of electric power dispatching data network. 1总则 1.0.1为适应电...
DL/T 5559-2019 电站汽轮发电机组辅机换热设备选型设计规程
DL/T 5559-2019.Code for design of selection auxiliary heat exchanger of turbine-generator in power p...
DL/T 5558-2019 电力系统调度自动化工程初步设计文件内容深度规定
DL/T 5558-2019.Regulations for content and depth of preliminary design of power system dispatching a...
DL/T 5557-2019 电力系统会议电视系统设计规程
DL/T 5557-2019.Specification for design of videoconference system for electric power system. 1总则 1.0...
DL/T 5527-2017 架空输电线路工程施工组织大纲设计导则
DL/T 5527-2017.Guidelines for design of construction management general outline of overhead transmis...
DL/T 5478-2013 20kV及以下配电网工程建设预算项目划分导则
DL/T 5478-2013.Guidelines for item segregation of construction budget for 20kV and under electricity...
DL/T 5476-2013 电缆输电线路工程建设预算项目划分导则
DL/T 5476-2013.Guidelines for item segregation of construction budget for cable transmission line pr...
DL/T 5475-2013 垃圾发电工程建设预算项目划分导则
DL/T 5475-2013.Guidelines for item segregation of construction budget for garbage power generation p...
DL/T 5467-2013 输变电工程初步设计概算编制导则
DL/T 5467-2013.Guidelines for preliminary design budgetary estimate of transmission and transformer ...
DL/T 5442-2010 输电线路铁塔制图和构造规定
DL/T 5442-2010.Regulation for drawing and detail of power transmission line towers. 1范围 1.0.1 DL/T 5...