CB/T 3973-2005 Ships and marine technology-Positioning of magnetic compasses in ships. 1范围 CB/T 3973...
CB/T 3972-2005 AC-14大抓力锚
CB/T 3972-2005 AC-14 high holding power anchor. 1范围 CB/T 3972规定了AC-14大抓力锚(以下简称AC-14锚〉的分类、要求、试验方法、检验规...
CB/T 3971-2005 船舶涂装质量保证及缺陷分级
CB/T 3971-2005 Defects degree and quality guarantee for ship coatings. 1范围 CB/T 3971规定了船舶涂装质量控制、涂层质量...
CB/T 3970-2005 船舶航速和操纵性的DGPS测试方法
CB/T 3970-2005 Measurement methods for ship speed and maneuverability with DGPS. 1范围 CB/T 3970规定了用差分...
CB/T 3969-2005 金属焊割用燃气入舱作业安全规定
CB/T 3969-2005 Safety requirement of gas into cabin working for metal welding and incising. 1范围 CB/T...
CB/T 3966-2005 小艇、磁罗经
CB/T 3966-2005 Small craft-Magnetic compasses. 1范围 CB/T 3966规定了艇体长度不大于24m的小艇上磁罗经的结构和型式试验的一般要求。 CB/T ...
CB/T 3965-2005 船用半球形通风筒
CB/T 3965-2005 Marine hemispheric ventilators. 1范围 CB/T 3965规定了船用半球形通风筒(以下简称通风筒)的分类、要求、试验方法、检验规则、标志、...
CB/T 3963-2005 特殊涂覆用钢法兰
CB/T 3963-2005 Specifically coated steel flanges. 1范围 CB/T 3963规定了法兰连接尺寸按GB/T 2501的需要特殊涂覆防腐蚀层的钢法兰(以下...
CB/T 3962-2005 船用焊接异径铜法兰
CB/T 3962-2005 Marine welded brass pipe reducing flanges. 1范围 CB/T 3962规定了法兰连接尺寸按GB/T 569、GB/T 2501的...
CB/T 3908-2007 船舶电缆敷设工艺
CB/T 3908-2007 Installation technology for cables in ship. 1范围 CB/T 3908规定了船舶电缆敷设前的准备工作、电缆敷设、电缆紧固及电缆...