CB/T 8522-2011 Code of design for fiting-out quay. 1范围 CB/T 8522规定了舾装码头工艺设计与购设计、给排水设计、供电和照明设计、动力设计、环...
CB/Z 254-2011 合同设计、详细设计和生产设计相互衔接的基本要求
CB/Z 254-2011 Basic requirements of contract design,detailed design and production design interrelat...
CB/T 4414-2015 船用金属密封蝶阀
CB/T 4414-2015 Marine metal seal butterfly valves. 1范围 CB/T 4414规定了法兰连接尺寸和密封面按GB/T 2501-2010的船用金属密封蝶...
CB/Z 278-2011 FCB法多丝埋弧自动单面焊焊接工艺
CB/Z 278-2011 One-side subuerged are welding process with multiplc wires for FCB. 1范围 CB/Z 278规定了FCB...
CB/T 4413-2015 挖泥船耙吸管生产设计要求
CB/T 4413-2015 Production design requirement of tailing suction pipe for dredger. 1范围 CB/T 4413规定了耙吸...
CB/T 4412-2016 船舶电子设备用低频变压器
CB/T 4412-2016 Low frequency transformer for ship electronic equipment. 1范围 CB/T 4412规定了船舶电子设备用低频变压器...
CB/T 4411-2016 船舶电子设备用电感线圈
CB/T 4411-2016 Inductance winding for ship electronic equipment. 1范围 CB/T 4411规定了船舶电子设备用电感线圈(简称线圈)的分...
CB/T 4408-2015 船用全压式液化气储罐焊接技术条件
CB/T 4408-2015 Welding specification for cargo tanks of fully pressurized style liquefied gas carrie...
CB/T 4410-2015 船舶涂装综合作业管理要求
CB/T 4410-2015 Management requirements of painting application for ship. 1范围 CB/T 4410规定了船舶涂装综合作业管理的...
CB/Z 20010-2012 登陆舰艇结构砰击强度计算方法
CB/Z 20010-2012 Calculation method of structural slamming strength for landing ship. 1范围 CB/Z 20010规...