CB/T 4151-2011 Technology requirement of vessel' s shifing and sitting in dock. 1范围 CB/T 4151规定了船舶坞内...
CB/T 4146-2011 船用计算机及外设船用环境适用基本准则
CB/T 4146-2011 Marine computers and their peripherals-Environmental conditions criteria in ships. 1范...
CB/T 4138-2011 船用生活给排水塑料管
CB/T 4138-2011 Marine plastic pipes for supply and discharge sanitary water. 1范围 CB/T 4138规定了船用生活给排水...
CB/T 4137.2-2011 船用纤维索滑车第 2部分:铁壳滑车
CB/T 4137.2-2011 Marine blocks for fibre ropes-Part 2: Iron shell blocks. 1范围 CB/T 4137.2规定了船用纤维索滑车的...
CB/T 4127-2011 集装箱船舱口盖、绑扎桥和舷边支柱-体化安装工艺
CB/T 4127-2011 Incorporate fixing technics of hatch covers, platforms and deck-stanchions for contai...
CB/T 4130-2011 液化石油气船用加热器
CB/T 4130-2011 Heater for liquefied petroleum gas tanker. 1范围 CB/T 4130规定了集装箱船枪口新1期批桥和舷边支柱- -体化安装的基本...
CB/T 4133-2011 船用耐火窗
CB/T 4133-2011 Marine fireproof windows. 1范围 CB/T 4133规定了船用耐火窗(简称耐火配)的分奖和标记、要求、试验方法、检验规则及标志、包装和运输。 C...
CB/T 4137.1-2011 船用纤维索滑车第1部分:木壳滑车
CB/T 4137.1-2011 Marine blocks for fibre ropes-Part 1: W ooden shell blocks. 1范围 CB/T 4137.1规定了船用纤维索...
CB/T 4126-2011 集装箱船导轨架安装工艺
CB/T 4126-2011 Installation technology of guide rails for container ship. 1范围 CB/T 4126规定了集装箱船导轨架(贷称...
CB/Z 280-2011 海船艏锚泊设计导则
CB/Z 280-2011 Dcsign guidelinc for scagoing vesscl's bow anchoring. 1范围 CB/Z 280规定了钢质海船艏锚怕系统(简称脂锚泊系统...