GB/T 14457.3-1993.Isolate and synthetic aroma chemicals Method for determination of melting point. 1...
GB/T 13485-1992 接触食物搪瓷制品接触食物搪瓷制品铅、镉析出量测试方法
GB/T 13485-1992.Enamelled ware in contact with food Standard test method for lead and cadmium releas...
GB/T 13217. 1-2009 液体油墨颜色检验方法
GB/T 13217. 1-2009.Test method for colour of liquid ink. 1范围 GB/T13217的本部分规定了液体油墨颜色的检验方法。 GB/T 13217...
GB/T 13174-2008 衣料用洗涤剂去污力及循环洗涤性能的测定
GB/T 13174-2008.Determination of detergency and cycle of washing property for laundry detergents. 1范...
GB/T 4546-2008/ISO 7458 :2004 玻璃容器耐内压力试验方法
GB/T 4546-2008/ISO 7458 :2004.Glass containers- Internal pressure resistance-Test methods. 1范围 GB/T ...
GB/T 4440-2008 活扳手
GB/T 4440-2008.Adjustable wrenches. 4.4 装配性能 4.4.1 活动扳口应在扳体导轨的全行程.上灵活移动。 4.4.2活动扳口与扳体之间的小肩离缝应符合表1的规定...
GB/T 394. 1-2008 工业酒精
GB/T 394. 1-2008.Ethanol for industrial use. 5.2.2从罐内酒精上、中、下三个部位 ,立式罐按体积2:3:2.卧式罐按体积1:3:1取样。槽车、桶装样品从...
GB 18419-2001 家用卫生杀虫用品杀虫气雾剂
GB 18419-2001.Domestic sanitary insecticide-Spray insecticide. 1范围 GB 18419规定了家用卫生杀虫用品杀虫气雾剂的定义、技术要求、...
GB 18418-2001 家用卫生杀虫用品电热液体蚊香
GB 18418-2001.Domestic sanitary insecticide-Elctrothermal mosquito liquid incense. 1范围 GB 18418规定了家用...
GB 18417-2001 家用卫生杀虫用品电热片蚊香
GB 18417-2001.Domestic sanitary insecticide-Electrothermal mosquito tablet incense. 1范围 GB 18417规定了家...