GB/T 39993-2021.Determination of permitted preservatives dimethyl oxazolidine,7-ethylbicyclooxazolid...
GB/T 40152-2021 蜂蜜中蔗糖转化酶的测定分光光度法
GB/T 40152-2021.Determination of saccharase activity in honey-Spectrophotometric method. 1范围 GB/T 40...
GB 50209-2010 建筑地面工程施工质量验收规范
GB 50209-2010.Code for acceptance of construction quality of building ground. 1总则 1.0.1 为了加强建筑工程质量管理...
GB/T 40255-2021 对虾肝胰腺细小病毒病诊断规程PCR检测法
GB/T 40255-2021.Code of diagnosis for infection with hepatopancreatic parvovirus of penaeid shrimp一P...
GB/T 40254-2021 轮枝菌属实时荧光PCR检疫鉴定方法
GB/T 40254-2021.Detection and identification of Verticillium Nees using real-time PCR. 1范围 GB/T 4025...
GB/T 40186-2021 微生物诱变育种致遗传物质损伤强度测定Umu法
GB/T 40186-2021.Determination of genetic material damage strength for microbial mutation breeding-Um...
GB/T 40223-2021 植物代谢产物游离棉酚测定酶联免疫吸附法
GB/T 40223-2021.Determination of free gossypol of plant metabolites-Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assa...
GB/T 40188-2021 畜禽分子标记辅助育种技术规程
GB/T 40188-2021.Technical code of breeding practice with molecular marker assisted selection for liv...
GB 50014-2021 室外排水设计标准
GB 50014-2021.Standard for design of outdoor wastewater engineering. 1总则 1.0.1 为保障城市安全,科学设计室外排水工程,落实...
GB/T 40257-2021 桃拉综合征诊断规程RT-PCR检测法
GB/T 40257-2021.Code of diagnosis for infection with taura syndrome virus-RT-PCR method. 1范围 GB/T 40...