GB/T 25672-2021.Hammer drill bit and shell hammer drill bit. 1范围 GB/T 25672规定了电锤钻和套式电锤钻的型式和尺寸、外观和表面粗...
GB/T 24673-2021 小型汽油机直联离心泵机组
GB/T 24673-2021.Small-size gasoline engine direct-link centrifugal pumps unit. 1范围 GB/T 24673规定了小型汽油...
GB/T 23293-2021 氮化物结合耐火制品及其配套耐火泥浆
GB/T 23293-2021.Nitride bonded refractory products and their related mortars. 1范围 GB/T 23293规定了氮化物结合...
AQ/T 4269-2015 工作场所职业病危害因素检测工作规范
AQ/T 4269-2015.Specification of occupational hazards monitoring in the workplace. 1范围 AQ/T 4269规定了工作...
GB/T 39985-2021 钛镍形状记忆合金板材
GB/T 39985-2021.Titanium-nickel shape memory alloy plate. 1范围 GB/T 39985规定了钛镍形状记忆合金板材的技术要求、试验方法、检验规则...
GB/T 27800-2021 静密封橡胶制品使用寿命的快速预测方法
GB/T 27800-2021.Determination of the life for static sealing rubber products. 1范围 GB/T 27800规定了静密封橡胶...
GB/T 40006.2-2021 塑料 再生塑料第2部分:聚乙烯(PE)材料
GB/T 40006.2-2021.Plastics- Recycled plastics- Part 2: Polyethylene( PE) materials. 1范围 GB/T 40006.2...
GB/T 40006.3-2021 塑料 再生塑料第3部分:聚丙烯(PP)材料
GB/T 40006.3-2021.Plastics- Recycled plastics- Part 3 : Polypropylene( PP) materials. 1范围 GB/T 40006...
GB/T 17204-2021 饮料酒术语和分类
GB/T 17204-2021.Terminology and classification of alcoholic beverages. 1范围 GB/T 17204给出了饮料酒的术语、定义、分类...
GB/T 40007-2021 纳米技术 纳米材料电阻率的接触式测量方法 通则
GB/T 40007-2021.Nanotechnology—Contacting methods for measuring the resistivity of nanomaterials—Gen...