GB/T 40081-2021.Automatic rescue operation device for lifts. 1范围 GB/T 40081规定了电梯自动救援操作装置的技术要求、自动救援电源...
GB/T 40037-2021 电子商务产品信息描述大宗商品
GB/T 40037-2021.Information description of product for electronic commerce transaction-Bulk stock. 1...
GB/T 40049-2021 鸡肠炎沙门氏菌PCR检测方法
GB/T 40049-2021.PCR detection method of chicken salmonella enteritis. 1范围 GB/T 40049规定了鸡肠炎沙门氏菌分子分型的P...
GB/T 39983-2021 滚珠圆弧导轨副 验收技术条件
GB/T 39983-2021.Ball arc guide-Acceptance specifications. 1范围 GB/T 39983规定了滚珠圆弧导轨副的精度等级、型号、安装尺寸、精度检验...
GB/T 40001-2021 食品包装评价技术通则
GB/T 40001-2021.General technical rules of evaluation for food packaging. 1范围 GB/T 40001规定了食品包装评价的术语...
GB/T 40086-2021 仿真冰场 通用技术要求和试验方法
GB/T 40086-2021.Synthetic ice rink-General technical requirements and test methods. 1范围 GB/T 40086规定...
GB/T 39995-2021 甾醇类物质的测定
GB/T 39995-2021.Determination of sterols. 1范围 GB/T 39995规定了甾醇类物质的液相色谱-质谱/质谱测定方法。 GB/T 39995适用于猪油、菜籽油...
GB/T 18642-2021 旋毛虫诊断技术
GB/T 18642-2021.Diagnostic techniques for Trichinella spp. 1范围 GB/T 18642规定了家畜(猪、马和犬属动物)和野生动物旋毛虫病原学诊...
GB/T 22752-2021 康复辅助器具抓握杆
GB/T 22752-2021.Assistive product for person with disability-Grab bar. 1范围 GB/T 22752规定了抓握杆的术语和定义、要求...
GB/T 40047-2021 个体防护装备 运动眼面部防护 滑雪镜
GB/T 40047-2021.Personal protective equipment一Eye and face protection for sports use-Ski goggles. 1范...