GB/T 40036-2021.Translation services-Post-editing of machine translation output-Requirements. 1范围 GB...
GB/T 39885-2021 疑似毒品中三唑仑检验气相色谱和气相色谱-质谱法
GB/T 39885-2021.Examination methods for triazolam in suspected drugs-Gas chromatography and gas chro...
GB/T 39879-2021 疑似毒品中鸦片五种成分检验气相色谱和气相色谱-质谱法
GB/T 39879-2021.Examination methods for five components in opium in suspected drugs-Gas chromatograp...
GB/T 9966.16-2021 天然石材试验方法第16部分:线性热膨胀系数的测定
GB/T 9966.16-2021.Test methods for natural stone-Part 16:Determination of linear thermal expansion c...
GB/T 40054-2021 公共安全 应急管理 公共预警指南
GB/T 40054-2021.Societal security-Emergency management-Guidelines for public warning. 1范围 GB/T 40054...
GB/T 9966.17-2021 天然石材试验方法第17部分:盐结晶强度的测定
GB/T 9966.17-2021.Test methods for natural stone-Part 17 : Determination of resistance to salt cryst...
GB/T 39884-2021 疑似毒品中大麻三种成分检验气相色谱和气相色谱-质谱法
GB/T 39884-2021.Examination methods for three components in cannabis in suspected drugs- Gas chromat...
GB/T 33351.2-2021 电子电气产品中砷、铍、锑的测定第2部分:电感耦合等离子体发射光谱法
GB/T 33351.2-2021.Determination of arsenic , beryllium, antimony in electrical and electronic produc...
GB 50516-2010 加氢站技术规范
GB 50516-2010.Technical code for hydrogen fuelling station. 1总则 1.0.1 为了在加氢站工程的设计、施工、运行中贯彻执行国家有关方针政策...
GB 8999-2021 电离辐射监测质量保证通用要求
GB 8999-2021.General regulation of quality assurance for ionizing radiation monitoring. 1适用范围 GB 899...