GB/T 20833.1-2021.Rotating electrical machines-The winding insulation-Part 1: Off-line partial disch...
GB/T 20833.4-2021 旋转电机 绕组绝缘第4部分:绝缘电阻和极化指数测量
GB/T 20833.4-2021.Rotating electrical machines-The winding insulation-Part 4: Measurement of insulat...
GB/T 20995-2020 静止无功补偿装置 晶闸管阀的试验
GB/T 20995-2020.Static var compensators(SVC)一Testing of thyristor valves. 1范围 GB/T 20995规定了晶闸管阀的型式试验...
GB/T 3792-2021 信息与文献 资源描述
GB/T 3792-2021.Information and documentation一Resource description. 1范围 GB/T 3792给出了一整套覆盖各种类型资源的通用描述规...
GB/T 39850-2021 国际贸易核心构件业务单证集成技术规范
GB/T 39850-2021.Core components business document assembly technical specification for international...
GB/T 39909-2021 科技计划形成的科学数据汇交通用数据元
GB/T 39909-2021.Science and technology program-generated scientific data archiving-General data elem...
GB/Z 39244-2020 精准扶贫 中药材 坚龙胆产业项目运营管理规范
GB/Z 39244-2020.Targeted poverty alleviation-Chinese medicinal materials-Specifications for operatio...
GB/Z 39121-2020 农作物秸秆炭化还田土壤改良项目运营管理规范
GB/Z 39121-2020.Specification for operation management of biochar production from crop staw on soil ...
GB/T 39776-2021 砖瓦工业隧道窑热平衡、热效率测定与计算方法
GB/T 39776-2021.Measuring and calculating methods of heat balance and heat efficiency of tunnel kiln...
GB/T 39867-2021 正电子发射断层扫描仪用锗酸铋闪烁晶体
GB/T 39867-2021.Bismuth germanate scintillation crystal for positron emission tomography. 1范围 GB/T 3...