GB/T 39327-2020.Rubber and plastics hoses for marine-engine wet-exhaust systems-Specification. 1范围 G...
GB/T 39372-2020 皮革 物理和机械试验 伸长率的测定
GB/T 39372-2020.Leather-Physical and mechanical tests-Determination of percentage extension. 1范围 GB/...
GB/T 39369-2020 皮革 物理和机械试验 透水汽性测定
GB/T 39369-2020.Leather-Physical and mechanical tests-Determination of water vapour permeability. 1范...
GB/T 39368-2020 皮革 物理和机械试验耐折牢度的测定:鞋面弯曲法
GB/T 39368-2020.Leather-Physical and mechanical tests-Determination of flex resistance : Vamp flex m...
GB/T 39507-2020 皮革 物理和机械试验耐磨性能的测定:马丁代尔球盘法
GB/T 39507-2020.Leather-Physical and mechanical tests-Determination of abrasion resistance : Martind...
GB/T 39375-2020 皮革 物理和机械试验 尺寸变化的测定
GB/T 39375-2020.Leather-Physical and mechanical tests-Determination of dimensional change. 1范围 GB/T ...
GB/T 19017-2020 质量管理 技术状态管理指南
GB/T 19017-2020.Quality management-Guidelines for configuration management. 1范围 GB/T 19017给出了在组织内进行技...
GB/T 39023-2020 书写和记号工具降低窒息风险的笔套规范
GB/T 39023-2020.Writing and marking instruments-Specification for caps to reduce the risk of asphyxi...
GB/T 39374-2020 皮革 物理和机械试验 弯折力的测定
GB/T 39374-2020.Leather-Physical and mechanical tests-Determination of bending force. 1范围 GB/T 39374...
GB/T 39532-2020 能源绩效测量和验证指南
GB/T 39532-2020.Guidance for measurement and verification of energy performance. 1范围 GB/T 39532确立了能源...