GB/T 39755.1-2021.Elctronic records management capability system-Part 1: General requirements. 1范围 G...
GB/T 39749-2021 中空玻璃隔热保温性能评价方法及分级
GB/T 39749-2021.Evaluation method and graduation for energy efficiency performance of insulating gla...
GB/T 39796-2021 动车组玻璃隔声性能试验方法
GB/T 39796-2021.Test method for airbone sound insulating properties of glass used on multipe units. ...
GB/T 39797-2021 玻璃熔体表面张力试验方法 座滴法
GB/T 39797-2021.Test method for surface tension of glass melt-Sessile drop method. 1范围 GB/T 39797规定了...
GB/T 39798-2021 动车组玻璃光学性能试验方法
GB/T 39798-2021.Test methods for optical properties of glass used on multiple units. 1范围 GB/T 39798规...
GB/T 39806-2021 悬空地板、踏步、步道及栈道玻璃安全性能评价
GB/T 39806-2021.Safety performance evaluation of suspended floor,stairs, trail and plank road glass....
GB/T 39794.1-2021 金属屋面抗风掀性能检测方法第1部分:静态压力法
GB/T 39794.1-2021.Test method for wind uplift resistance of metal roof-Part 1: Static pressure metho...
GB/T 12787-2020 辐射防护仪器 临界事故报警设备
GB/T 12787-2020.Radiation protection instrumentation-Warning equipment for criticality accidents. 1范...
GB/T 39824-2021 溶液中染料相对强度的测定
GB/T 39824-2021.Determination of relative strength of dyes in solution. 1范围 GB/T 39824规定了溶液中染料相对强度的测...
GB/T 8110-2020 熔化极气体保护电弧焊用非合金钢及细晶粒钢实心焊丝
GB/T 8110-2020.Wire electrodes and weld deposits for gas shielded metal arc welding of non alloy and...