GB/T 39821-2021.Plastics-Determination of apparent density of moulding material that cannot be poure...
GB/T 39772.1-2021 北斗地基增强系统基准站建设和验收技术规范 第1部分:建设规范
GB/T 39772.1-2021.Technical specification for reference station construction and acceptance of BeiDo...
GB/T 39823-2021 轻型输送带 切割式轻型输送带的宽度和长度极限偏差
GB/T 39823-2021.Light conveyor belts-Tolerances on widths and lengths of cut light conveyor belts. 1...
GB/T 39812-2021 塑料 试样的机加工制备
GB/T 39812-2021.Plastics-Preparation of test specimens by machining. 1范围 GB/T 39812规定了压塑成型和注塑成型塑料试样....
GB/T 39768-2021 人类生物样本分类与编码
GB/T 39768-2021.Classification and coding for human biomaterial. 1范围 GB/T 39768规定了人类生物样本的分类与编码规则。 GB...
GB/T 17044-2020 钢丝绳芯输送带覆盖层与带芯层粘合强度试验
GB/T 17044-2020.Steel cord conveyor belts一Adhesion strength test of the cover to the core layer. 1范围...
GB/T 39759-2021 实验动物术语
GB/T 39759-2021.Laboratory animal一Terminology. 1范围 GB/T 39759界定了实验动物领域常用的术语。 GB/T 39759适用于实验动物领域的标准化...
GB/T 39822-2021 塑料 黄色指数及其变化值的测定
GB/T 39822-2021.Plastics-Determination of yellowness index and change in yellowness index. 1范围 GB/T ...
GB/T 39825-2021 轻型输送带 基本性能及应用
GB/T 39825-2021.Light conveyor belts-Principal characteristics and applications. 1范围 GB/T 39825规定了轻型...
GB/T 21838.4-2020 金属材料 硬度和材料参数的仪器化压入试验 第4部分:金属和非金属覆盖层的试验方法
GB/T 21838.4-2020.Metallic materials-Instrumented indentation test for hardness and materials parame...