GB/T 17888.2-2020.Safety of machinery-Permanent means of access to machinery-Part 2: Working platfor...
GB/T 39953-2021 五轴联动加工中心RTCP精度检验
GB/T 39953-2021.5-axis simultaneous machining center-Testing of the accuracy for RTCP. 1范围 GB/T 3995...
GB/T 39967-2021 五轴联动加工中心S形试件精度检验
GB/T 39967-2021.5-axis simultaneous machining center- Accuracy of S-shaped test piece. 1范围 GB/T 3996...
GB/T 39802-2021 城镇供热保温材料技术条件
GB/T 39802-2021.Technical requirements for thermal insulation material of urban heat-supplying. 1范围 ...
GB/T 39747-2021 举升式升降工作平台安全使用规程
GB/T 39747-2021.Code of practice for the safe use of supported elevating work platform. 1范围 GB/T 397...
GB/T 39757-2021 建筑施工机械与设备混凝土泵和泵车安全使用规程
GB/T 39757-2021.Building construction machinery and equipment-Code of practice for the safe use of c...
GB/T 39857-2021 光伏发电效率技术规范
GB/T 39857-2021.Specification of photovoltaic power generation efficiency. 1范围 GB/T 39857规定了光伏发电站系统能...
GB/T 39775-2021 能源管理绩效评价导则
GB/T 39775-2021.General principle for energy management performance assessment. 1范围 GB/T 39775规定了能源管...
GB/T 39906-2021 品牌管理要求
GB/T 39906-2021.Requirements on brand management. 1范围 GB/T 39906确立了品牌管理的原则,并规定了品牌管理的组织和资源、品牌战略、品牌管理策...
GB/T 26779-2021 燃料电池电动汽车加氢口
GB/T 26779-2021.Hydrogen fuel cell electric vehicle refueling receptacle. 1范围 GB/T 26779规定了燃料电池电动汽车加...