GB/T 35132.5-2020.Automation systems and integration- Evaluating energy efficiency and other factors...
GB/T 40040-2021 餐饮业供应链管理指南
GB/T 40040-2021.Guidelines for catering industry supply chain management. 1范围 GB/T 40040提供了餐饮业实施供应链管...
GB/T 40041-2021 外卖餐品信息描述规范
GB/T 40041-2021.Specifications for information description of food delivery. 1范围 GB/T 40041规定了外卖餐品的信...
GB/T 19673.2-2013 滚动轴承 套筒型直线球轴承附件第2部分:5系列外形尺寸和公差
GB/T 19673.2-2013.Rolling bearings-Accessories for sleeve type linear ball bearings-Part 2: Boundary...
GB/T 19228.3-2012 不锈钢卡压式管件组件第3部分:O形橡胶密封圈
GB/T 19228.3-2012.Stainless steel press-fitting assemblies-Part 3: R ubber O-rings. 1范围 GB/T 19228.3...
GB 40070-2021 儿童青少年学习用品近视防控卫生要求
GB 40070-2021.Hygienic requirements of study products for myopia prevention and control in children ...
GB 17675-2021 汽车转向系 基本要求
GB 17675-2021.Steering system of motor vehicles-Basic requirements. 1范围 GB 17675规定了汽车转向系统的术语和定义、技术要求...
GB/T 40042-2021 绿色餐饮经营与管理
GB/T 40042-2021.Green catering operation and management. 1范围 GB/T 40042规定了绿色餐饮经营与管理的基本要求,以及节约餐饮、环保餐饮...
GB 9706.265-2021 医用电气设备 第2-65部分:口内成像牙科X射线机的基本安全和基本性能专用要求
GB 9706.265-2021.Medical electrical equipment-Part 2-65 : Particular requirements for the basic safe...
GB 26512-2021 商用车驾驶室乘员保护
GB 26512-2021.The protection of the occupants of the cab of commercial vehicles. 1范围. GB 26512规定了商用车...