GB/T 38011-2019.Footwear-Test methods for whole shoe- Pull-out force of upper bands. 5.2 制样 5.2.1裁切试...
GB/T 38012-2019 鞋类整鞋试验方法缓震性能
GB/T 38012-2019.Footwear-Test methods for w hole shoe- Impact shock attenuating property. GB/T 38012...
GB/T 38018-2019 鞋类鞋底试验方法抗疲劳性能
GB/T 38018-2019.Footwear-Test method for soles- Fatigue resistance. GB/T 38018规定了鞋底抗疲劳性能的试验方法。 GB/T ...
GB/T 26693-2019/ISO 3764:2016 计时仪器手表机心的形状、尺寸和名称
GB/T 26693-2019/ISO 3764:2016.Timekeeping instruments- -Types , dimensions and nomenclature of watch...
GB/T 37855-2019 玻璃容器26H126冠形瓶口尺寸
GB/T 37855-2019.Glass containers- Dimensions for 26H 126 crown finish. 1范围 GB/T 37855规定了玻璃容器26H126冠形...
GB/T 37856-2019 玻璃容器26H180冠形瓶口尺寸
GB/T 37856-2019.Glass containers- Dimensions for 26H 180 crown finish. 1范围 GB/T 37856规定了玻璃容器26H180冠形...
GB/T 37853-2019 中性墨水圆珠笔和笔芯
GB/T 37853-2019.Gel ink ball pens and refills. 1范围 GB/T 37853规定了中性墨水圆珠笔和笔芯的术语和定义、分类、要求、试验方法、检验规则、标志、...
GB/T 37843-2019/ISO 13750: 2000 地毯耐酸性食物颜色沾色性能的测定
GB/T 37843-2019/ISO 13750: 2000.Carpet-Determination of resistance to staining by acid food colours....
GB/T 37851-2019 玻璃容器小口瓶标准公差
GB/T 37851-2019.Glass containers-Standard tolerances for flaconnage. 1范围 GB/T 37851规定了小口玻璃瓶的公差,涉及的公差...
GB/T 23169-2019 发制品教习头
GB/T 23169-2019.Hair products-Training mannequins. GB/T 23169规定了发制品教习头的术语和定义、要求、试验方法、检验规则及标签、包装、运输、贮...