GB/T 36434-2018.Complex mechanical watch movements- Terminology for parts and assemblies of perpetua...
GB/T 36425-2018 表壳体及其附件金合金覆盖层的颜色范围和名称
GB/T 36425-2018.Watch-cases and accessories- Colour range and designations of gold alloy coverings. ...
GB/T 36420-2018 生活用纸和纸制品化学品及原料安全评价管理体系
GB/T 36420-2018.Tissue paper and products-Safety assessment management system of chemicals and mater...
GB/T 35596-2017 硼硅酸盐玻璃吹制耐热器具
GB/T 35596-2017.Heat resistant glass wares by blowing. 1范围 GB/T 35596规定了硼硅酸盐玻璃吹制耐热玻璃器具的产品分类、技术要求、试验方...
GB/T 35594-2017 医用包装纸
GB/T 35594-2017.Medical packaging paper. GB/T 35594规定了医用包装纸的分类.要求、试验方法、检验规则、标志.包装、贮存.运输。 GB/T 35594适...
GB/T 3294-2018 鞋楦尺寸检测方法
GB/T 3294-2018.Test method of inspection for last sizes. 6.5前掌宽度测量 用游标卡尺(见4.5)测量鞋植第一跖趾部位和第五跖趾部位之间最大垂...
GB/T 35456-2017 文体用品及零部件对挥发性有机化合物(VOC)的测试方法
GB/T 35456-2017.Stationery and sport products and its parts- Test method for volatile organic compou...
GB/T 35030-2018 烟花发射高度、发射偏斜角、辐射半径测定方法
GB/T 35030-2018.Determination methods for launching height,launching deflection angle and radiation ...
GB/T 5174-2018 表面活性剂洗涤剂阳离子活性物含量的测定直接 两相滴定法
GB/T 5174-2018.Surface active agents- Detergents- Determination of cationic active matter content- D...
GB/T 22875-2018 纸尿裤和卫生巾用高吸收性树脂
GB/T 22875-2018.Super-absorbent polymer for sanitary towel and diapers. 1范围 GB/T 22875规定了纸尿裤和卫生巾用聚丙烯...