GB/T 1914-2017.Chemical analytical filter paper. GB/T 1914规定了化学分析用的定性滤纸和定量滤纸的术语和定义、产品分类、要求.试验方法、检验规则...
QB/T 1116.2- 2007 仪器灯泡卤钨灯
QB/T 1116.2- 2007.Instrument lamps-Tungsten halogen lamps. 1范围 QB/T 1116.2规定了仪器灯泡中仪器卤钨灯泡的术语和定义、型号、主要...
GB/T 34452-2017 可移式通用LED灯具性能要求
GB/T 34452-2017.Performance requirements of portable LED luminaires for general lighting. GB/T 34452...
GB/T 35957-2018 化妆品中禁用物质铯-137、铯-134 的测定γ能谱法
GB/T 35957-2018.Determination of prohibited substances cesium-137 , cesium- 134 in cosmetics- Gamma ...
GB/T 35955-2018 抑汗(香体)液(乳、喷雾、膏)
GB/T 35955-2018.Anti-perspiration( fragrant) liquid( lotion, spray, paste). 1范围 GB/T 35955规定了以氯化羟锆铝配...
GB/T 35952-2018 化妆品中十一烯酸及其锌盐的测定气相色谱法
GB/T 35952-2018.Determination of undecylenic acid and zinc undecylenate in cosmetics- -Gas chromatog...
GB/T 35951-2018 化妆品中螺旋霉素等8种大环内酯类抗生素的测定液相色谱-串联质谱法
GB/T 35951-2018.Determination of eight macrolide antibiotics such as spiramycin in cosmetics-LC MS/M...
GB/T 35950-2018 化妆品中限用物质无机亚硫酸盐类和亚硫酸氢盐类的测定
GB/T 35950-2018.Determination of inorganic sulfites and bisulfites in cosmetics. GB/T 35950规定了化妆品中亚硫...
GB/T 35949-2018 化妆品中禁用物质马兜铃酸A的测定,高效液相色谱法
GB/T 35949-2018.Determination of prohibited aristolochic acid A in cosmetics- High performance liqui...
GB/T 35948-2018 化妆品中7种4-羟基苯甲酸酯的测定高效液相色谱法
GB/T 35948-2018.Determination of seven parabens in cosmetics- High performance liquid chromatography...