GB/T 26389-2011.Method of classified type of weighing instrument products. 1范围 GB/T 26389规定了衡器型号的类别、...
GB/T 15046-2011 脂肪酰二乙醇胺
GB/T 15046-2011.Fatty diethanol amide.硅胶色谱柱的制 备与安装 用脱脂棉(需要时)堵住色谱柱的底部,然后往色谐柱中填充35g硅胶,并在橡胶垫上蹭实...
GB/T 13025.9-2012 制盐工业通用试验方法铅的测定
GB/T 13025.9-2012.General test method in salt industry-Determination of lead. 3.2.7铅标准 储备液 准确称取0.159...
GB/T 13025.8-2012 制盐工业通用试验方法硫酸根的测定
GB/T 13025.8-2012.General test method in salt industry- Determination of sulfate. 4.2.8铬黑 T指示剂 称取0.2...
GB/T 13025.7-2012 制盐工业通用试验方法碘的测定
GB/T 13025.7-2012.General test method in salt industry-Determination of iodine. 4.3 仪器 4.3.1碘量仪:WYD ...
GB/T 13025.6-2012 制盐工业通用试验方法钙和镁的测定
GB/T 13025.6-2012.General test method in salt industry-Determination of calcium and magnesium. 5.3 仪...
GB/T 13025.5-2012 制盐工业通用试验方法氯离子的测定
GB/T 13025.5-2012.General test method in salt industry-Determination of chlorideion. GB/T13025的本部分规定...
GB/T 13025.4-2012 制盐工业通用试验方法水不溶物的测定
GB/T 13025.4-2012.General test method in salt industry-Determination of insoluble matter. GB/T 13025...
GB/T 13025.3-2012 制盐工业通用试验方法水分的测定
GB/T 13025.3-2012.General test method in salt industry-Determination of moisture. 1范围 GB/T13025的本部分规...
GB/T 13025.1-2012 制盐工业通用试验方法粒度的测定
GB/T 13025.1-2012.General test method in salt industry- Determination of grain size. 1范围 GB/T13025的本...