GB/T 461.1-2002.Paper and board- - Determination of capillary rise(Klemm method). 1范围 GB/T 461.1规定了采...
GB/T 458-2002 纸和纸板透气度的测定(肖伯尔法)
GB/T 458-2002.Paper and board -Determination of air permeance (Schopper method). 1.范團 GB/T 458规定了纸和纸...
GB/T 456-2002 纸和纸板平滑度的测定(别克法)
GB/T 456-2002.Paper and board- Determination of smoothness(Bekk method). 1范围 GB/T 456规定了用别克平滑度仪测定纸和纸...
GB/T 455-2002 纸和纸板撕裂度的测定
GB/T 455-2002.Paper and board determination of tearing resistance. 1范围 GB/T 455规定了纸和纸板撕裂度的测定方法。 GB/T...
GB/T 453-2002 纸和纸板抗张强度的测定(恒速加荷法)
GB/T 453-2002.Paper and board - Determination of tensile properties(Constant rate of loading methods...
GB/T 462-2003 纸和纸板水分的测定
GB/T 462-2003.Paper and board-Determination of moisture content. 1范围 GB/T 462规定了取样时纸和纸板水分含量的测定方法。 GB...
GB/T 149-1995 铅笔
GB/T 149-1995.Pencil. 5.11笔杆结合牢度 将铅笔漫入30士2C的水面下1h,取出后反向拧动笔杆两端,观察笔杆有无开胶现象。 5.12杆内断芯 5.12.1石墨铅笔杆内断芯 把铅...
GB/T 148一1997 印刷、书写和绘图纸幅面尺寸
GB/T 148一1997.Writing paper and certain classes printed matter-Trimmed sizes-A and B series. 1范围 GB/...
GB/T 147-1997 印刷、书写和绘图用原纸尺寸
GB/T 147-1997.Writing paper and certain classes printed matter-Untrimmed sizes. 1范围 GB/T 147规定了印刷、书写...
GB 24820-2009 实验室家具通用技术条件
GB 24820-2009.General technical requirements for laboratory furniture. 1范围 GB 24820规定了实验室家具的术语和定义、符号...