GB/T 4547-2007 /ISO 7459 :2004.Glass containers-Test methods of the thermal shock resistance and the...
GB/T 4545-2007 玻璃瓶罐内应力试验方法
GB/T 4545-2007.Test methods for stress examination of glass containers. 5.2方形 .椭圆形和不规则形状玻璃瓶罐的检验 用偏光仪...
GB/T 3564-1993 自行车部件分类、名称和主要术语
GB/T 3564-1993.Classification and names of components of bicycles,and basic technology. GB/T 3564参照采...
GB/T 3328-1997 家具床类主要尺寸
GB/T 3328-1997.Furniture-Main sizes of beds. 1范围 GB/T 3328规定了床类家具的主要尺寸。 GB/T 3328适用于普通单层床和双层床,其他特殊用途...
GB/T 3147-2006 信息处理未穿孔纸带
GB/T 3147-2006.Information processing- unpunched paper tape. 1范围 GB/T 3147规定了信息处理未穿孔纸带分类要求、试验方法、抽样.标...
GB/T 465. 2-1989 纸和纸板按规定时间漫水后抗张强度的测定法
GB/T 465. 2-1989.Paper and board- Determination of tensile strength after immersion in water. GB/T 4...
GB/T 465. 1-1989 纸和纸板按规定时间浸水后耐破度的测定法
GB/T 465. 1-1989.Paper and board-Determination of bursting strength after immersion in water. GB/T 4...
GB/T 464-2008 纸和纸板的干热加速老化
GB/T 464-2008.Accelerated aging(dry heat treatment) of paper and board. 1范围 GB/T 464规定了纸和纸板在105C、120...
GB/T 461.3-2005 纸和纸板吸水性的测定(浸水法)
GB/T 461.3-2005.Paper and board- Determination of water absorption( immersion in water). 1范围 GB/T461...
GB/T 461.2-2002 纸和纸板表面吸收速度的测定
GB/T 461.2-2002.Paper and board- Determination of the rate of surface absorbing. 1范围 GB/T 461.2规定了测定...