GB/T 18419-2009.Domestic sanitary insecticidal-. Aerosols. 1范围 GB/T 18419规定了家用卫生杀虫用品杀虫气雾剂的术语和定义、要求、试...
GB/T 18418-2009 家用卫生杀虫用品电热蚊香液
GB/T 18418-2009.Domestic sanitary insecticide- Electrothermal vaporizing liquid. 1范围 GB/T 18418规定了家用...
GB/T 18417-2009 家用卫生杀虫用品电热蚊香片
GB/T 18417-2009.Domestic sanitary insecticide- Electrothermal vaporizing mats. 1范围 GB/T 18417规定了家用卫生...
GB/T 18416-2009 家用卫生杀虫用品蚊香
GB/T 18416-2009.Domestic sanitary insecticide-Mosquito coils. 1范围 GB/T 18416规定了家用卫生杀虫用品蚊香的术语和定义、要求、试...
GB/T 13216. 9- 1991 甘油试验方法酸度或碱度的测定(滴定法)
GB/T 13216. 9- 1991.Test methods for glycerines-Determination of acidity or alkalinity- Titrimetric ...
GB/T 13216.8-1991 甘油试验方法硫酸化灰分的测定(重量法)
GB/T 13216.8-1991.Test methods for glycerines-Determination of sulphated ash-Gravimetric method. GB/...
GB/T 13216. 7一1991 甘油试验方法氯化物的限量t试验
GB/T 13216. 7一1991.Test methods for glycerines-Limit test for chloride. 1主题内容与适 用范围 GB/T 13216. 7规定了...
GB/T 13216. 6- 1991 甘油试验方法甘油含量的测定
GB/T 13216. 6- 1991.Test methods for glycerines-Determination of glycerol content. 4.2.3硫酸 (GB 625):...
GB/T 13216. 5一1991 甘油试验方法20C时密度的测定
GB/T 13216. 5一1991.Test methods for glycerines-Determination of density at 20C. GB/T 13216. 5参照采用国际标...
GB/T 13216.4-1991 甘油试验方法色泽的测定(Hazen单位铂-钴色度)
GB/T 13216.4-1991.Test methods for glycerines-Determination of color(Hazen unit-- Platinum- cobalt s...